Are you a student (K – College) interested in a Route 66 Scholarship Award?
Awards up to $500 and…. it’s really easy!!
(visit Mr. Arno’s STEM class here)
Welcome to Class 5-A
2019 Computer Science Summit for All
Harrisburg, PA
Incorporating Break Out Boxes with Computer Science
2019 Computer Science Teachers Association Conference
Phoenix, AZ
Constructing a paper computer. What you don’t see are all the paper “parts” hidden under the keyboard, but this was a really informative activity!
The Great Toilet Paper Challenge
Using just the information on a roll of toilet paper, would you be able to correctly estimate the total AREA and PERIMETER of the entire roll if you were to lay it out on the floor with no overlapping? Twenty-five tickets to the closest group. Good luck!
Shadow Shifting Exploration
Making the BEST phone call home to your parents. When will it be your turn?
(Click HERE for additional Science Olympiad Pictures)
Japan Fulbright Visit
Clinton, NJ
Militia Drill Routine
Students inside a One Room School House
Bridge Building
Students constructing a mosaic of 225 Rubik’s Cubes
A bit more of a challenge, assembling over 2100 Rubik’s cubes for the Oliver Stone NYC movie premier of Snowden. This display took over 40 hours to complete using a computer scanning program that identified each 3 x 3 cube. Edward Snowden used the cube to smuggle his SD card containing confidential data through security checkpoints.
We’ve used Rubik’s Cubes in math class to learn about mathematical concepts, spatial relationships, and logical problem solving skills. On average, we’ve had 85% of students solve the cube in under 5 minutes. The record in class is 34 seconds!
Summer Bike Ride Series