Social Studies


General Social Studies | Maps and Flags | U.S. Geography | World Geography | General History | American History | Politics/Elections | Ancient History | World History

General Social Studies

Mr. Dowling’s Virtual Classroom
A must see social studies link…very nice!

Geography World
This site has many great geography links…travel the world with this site

The Mining Co. Guide for Geography
Anything from reading a compass and maps to physical geography…great resource

U.S. Social Studies and History Links
Many good sections from the Fact Monster

Fact Monster Social Studies Homework
Many good solid Social Studies facts here

Fodor’s Travel Guide
Great way to plan your next vacation

Lonely Planet
A great way to visit other parts of the world … Go to destinations

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Maps and Flags

National Geographic Society Map Machine
Excellent…fun site to create maps…try it!

Xpeditions @
Maps from all over the world…very nice site 
All kinds of maps of the United States…don’t miss this site

Maps and References
Terrific site by the University of Iowa

Infoplease Atlas
Very nice maps from Fact Monster

PCL Map Collection
Nice collection from the University of Texas at Austin

Historical Maps of The U.S. by UT Library Online
Cool looking historical maps

Atlas and Geography Links

Kids Flags Around the World
Good site with a comprehensive listing of world and U.S. flags

Flags of the World
Flags from every country

U.S Census Bureau Map Finder
Find a map, any map

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U.S. Geography

The 50 States of the United States
Great site! Contains interesting facts about all 50 states

Stately Knowledge
Very nice site listing of states from
All kinds of information about all of the states

Fact Monster Geography Homework
Cool page for U.S. Geography info
Another great site for finding facts about the states

Native American Resources
Links to Native American resources

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World Geography
Very good information on world capitals and countries

Atlapedia Online
Great way to find good information on any country

Don’t let the name fool you…it is a great world encyclopedia of the nations… you will find anthems, flags and maps here

Infoplease Countries of the World
Tremendous site…all kinds of neat information

The Library of Congress Country Study
Need to know ANYTHING about any country?

U.S. State Department Countries of the World

CIA World Factbook
Excellent maps and information on just about any country

Encyclopedia of World History
Cool source…check it out

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General History

My Virtual Reference Desk – History
History sites by the dozens

The History Net
A wonderful site to find good information on World/American history

Hyper History Online
A terrific site with history timelines…they keep expanding this site

Year by Year 1900-2016
Tremendous history of the 20th century presented by the Fact Monster

History and Historiography
Wonderful site by Carnegie-Mellon University with history documents

History’s Happening
A wonderful site on all history

WebSites for Historians
An incredible collection of history links…must see!

Historic Events and Birthdates
Just enter the date and historic events/birthdates appear

Introduction to Nautical Archaeology
A real cool site on shipwrecks

Inventors Homework Helper
If you are looking for an inventor, this is the place to go

Inventors Index
Another nice site by

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American History

United States History
From colonial times to modern times (Mississippi State University)

American History Links
Wonderful site with links to many American History sites

America’s Story 
An amazing history website from the Library of Congress

Liberty Online
Government philosophy, politics, historical documents, and more…very nice site.

American History Biographies on the Net
Wonderful collection of biographies from American History

Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Really cool site…take a look

The Constitution of the United States of America 

Exploring Constitutional Law 
Begin your journey into constitutional law…great site

The History Place: The U.S. Civil War
A nice timeline of the Civil War

A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
Fabulous…the University of Oklahoma Law Center

Presidents of the United States
Nice site that gives all kinds of good presidential information

POTUS Presidents of the United States
Another very nice presidents site

A Presidential Exploration
A well done site with great information about presidents of the United States.

Presidential Inaugural Addresses
Includes addresses from every U.S. President since Washington

Presidential Trivia
Learn all kinds of small stuff about our presidents

1492 Exhibit
History dating back to Columbus

Plymouth History 
History around the time of the Pilgrims

The French and Indian War

Civil War Home Page
Very good Civil War site

The American Civil War Home Page
Excellent information on the War Between the States

Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution
Terrific American Revolution site

American and British History Resources
WOW!!…great information here (Rutgers University)

Slavery and the Making of America 
A well done site on the history of slavery in America

Black History Links
Need good information on African American history?…try this one

The Age of Imperialism
Very nice site on U.S. foreign policy during the 18th & 19th Century

Trenches on the Web – WWI History
Great World War I information and links to other WWI sites

Encyclopedia of the First World War
Very good WWI site

Grolier’s Online WWII History
Excellent information on World War II

World War II Timeline
WWII timeline from 1939 to 1945

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Race for the Whitehouse 
A breakdown of money raised by 2016 presidential candidates

Election 16
Excellent election information by Yahoo News

Election Guide 2016 (New York Times) 
The kind of reporting you would expect from the NY Times – Really good site

Election Guide 2016 (Chicago Tribune) 
Solid election information by the Chicago Tribune

Political Intelligence 
An excellent summary of election events by the Boston Globe

Well it’s CNN – of course it’s good

Post Politics 
Where all the action takes place – from the Washington Post

The Living Room Candidates 
Commercial videos of presidential candidates between 1952 and 2004 – Love it!

Alternate Campaign Videos

(use if above FLASH site not working)


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Ancient History

Exploring Ancient World Culture
This is the kind of site you can get lost in…give it a try

Prehistoric Life 
A really cool site from BBC…everything from Dinosaurs to cavemen

Ancient and Lost Civilizations
A great resource for ancient civiliztions

Ancient Classical History
Great site from

Ancient Egypt – A History of Art and Culture
Very nicely written information on ancient Egypt…very interesting

Perseus Project
An unbelievable site about Roman and Greek history… fun to roam this one.

Illustrated History of The Roman Empire
Friends, Romans and Countrymen…this is a cool site

The Ancient Greek World
Very comprehensive

Ancient Greece
Well done site on the history of Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece Resources
Another nice site on Greek history… Great resource

The Roman Empire
An excellent Roman Empire resource

Byzantine and Medieval Studies
An unbelievable collection of sites…a must see!!

Renaissance History on the Web
Excellent source for finding information on the Renaissance

A tremendous site for Medieval studies…from the University of Georgetown…Great!!

AP European History Page
A site rich in ancient European history

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World History

Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia of British History
Very comprehensive

Encyclopedia of the Orient
Excellent source on the Orient

A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust
This is a tremendous site with very valuable information

Discoverers Web Homesite
This site is rich in information on voyages of discovery and exploration

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