
If you were to ask a former student what their favorite memory of being in Mr. Arno’s class might be, they’d probably say shooting raw eggs on top of soda bottle rockets. Others might say biking 5000 miles in the back of the classroom during the Route 66 Experience, constructing lunchbox alarms, Skyping with mushers during the Iditarod, Science Olympiad, and others might just say the special connections we’ve had.  There were many which I will cherish for the rest of my life.

For me, I’ve enjoyed every moment, and after 27 years it was time for a much needed change.  I’ve been an elementary teacher my entire life, and it was hard to make a decision about what direction I wanted to go.  I knew that I was just not ready for retirement yet.   

I considered many different teaching options during my brief retirement, and finally settled on continuing my teaching career while teaching the subjects that I was most passionate about.  Be sure to check this link here once school starts in September to find out more what my next adventure is! 

Thank you to former students, parents, and colleagues who have been part of the journey.  My final Wednesday quote to you is by the Chinese philosopher Confucius: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.  My advice to you is simply to follow your passions, and in time, the opportunities will come.  If, however they don’t happen, you can always create them yourself!

I’ve probably captured your favorite memory in the annual Yearbook, but please feel free to share it again here on the Classroom5a blog.  And please remember, you can always reach me at teachthechildrenabc@Gmail.com if you ever need some encouragement or just want to say hello.